
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Tiny Snowman and a Curious Bunny

It seems like my scraps are multiplying faster than I can tame them so I decided that in addition to making my calendar wall hangings for in my dining room, I wanted to make tiny versions for my desk at work.

Unsurprisingly, this came together ridiculously quickly and I don't have any in progress pictures. Oops.

The background squares are 2 inches unfinished and the finished size is 9 1/2 by 12 1/2 inches!

The slightly frustrating thing was that it is ever, ever so slightly too big to bind with one width-of-fabric strip! I had to add about 4 inches to get it all the way around the little man.

In the meantime, I've started a tiny February wall hanging and am continuing to work on some more tiny houses (which you might be able to spot in the below pictures). I have been making an utter mess of the dining room and Clara the Bunny has decided that she must inspect everything.

For the first time she got brave and tried to run off with a charm square and in the process nibbled the corner off of it. Cotton is a natural fiber, right?

Linking up at Fabric Tuesday and Linky Tuesday!


  1. Living room messes are just a fact of life for us quilters, right? I have had my dog try to drag off fabric, thinking that it was a game. It was just a scrap, fortunately, and not a block or yardage, but the soggy, chewed up mess just had to be tossed! Thankfully, Ms. Clara is a proper bunny-lady and demurely chews small pieces. ;P Love the snowman, and I know fellow office workers will appreciate the well-made, fun decoration! Thanks for sharing!

  2. never mind a, what a cute snowman and little pet!!!!

  3. I've been wanting to make myself some calendar quilts to change out each month for years. Your adorable snowman reinspires me! THANKS!


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