
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday Snippets

Yesterday I went shopping and got the flannel that I needed for both of the twin baby girl quilts.

I started quilting the peach/mint/lavender one with loop-de-loops. For this one I found a lavender backing. I will also say that I love quilting quilts with a flannel backing because they slide around so easily, even without a slide pad on my machine!

At this point I think that I have about a third of this quilt quilted. Hopefully I can get a little bit more done this morning.

For the pink/yellow/teal quilt, I got a pink backing. I am about 99% sure that this is the exact same pink flannel that I used to back my t-shirt quilt comforter that I made when I went to college (in 2006 and that I still use to this day as my couch cuddle quilt.)

I am not going to bind these with flannel so that I can just machine bind them completely.

I also bought my yellow and orange thread for my October wall hanging! Go big (spools) or go home, right? There was a lighter shade of yellow, but I think the brighter shade will look better around all of the small squares in the border.

Happy Saturday to you!


  1. best of luck with the new job. These baby quilts are going to be so cuddly with a flannel backing, does that mean you do not use a wadding in them?

  2. Stopping by from the Stash Bee Link up .. All sweet

  3. Your pink, yellow, teal quilt looks wonderful! I will have to browse your blog to see it full out.

  4. Hope you managed to get lots of quilting done.

  5. hi I'm stopping over from the stash bee link up. Looking forward to next year. I have never backed with flannel but it sounds cosy


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