
Thursday, June 5, 2014

June Stash Bee Blocks

This month for the Stash Bee in Hive 3 our Queen Bee is Daisy from Ants To Sugar!

She requested blocks with butterflies or economy blocks with butterfly fabrics and low volume fabrics.

I found a great free pattern on Craftsy for a 6" finished paper pieced butterfly and went to work on nine butterflies from my scrap stash!

Stash Bee June 2014

I love how bright and vivid they are! I decided not to sew them together, so that Daisy can put them together however she wishes!


  1. I love these! They are great, and you are totally right about keeping them separate so I can scatter them around the quilt. Thank you SO much!

  2. I'm looking forward to making some butterflies. It's nice to see what you did.

  3. These are so stinking cute!!


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