
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Triangle Quilt Progress and ALYoF April Goal

Dual purpose post!

My ALYoF goal for April is to get my Triangle quilt top put together, quilted, and bound.

Here's my progress on getting all of those things done as a part of the Triangle Quilt Along.

I decided to go with my eight colors in diagonal stripes across the quilt instead of random placement. I didn't think I had enough different colors to have random placement without making myself completely insane, so I just went the easy route with a pattern.

I have a few rows sewn together, but still quite a few rows to go.

Happy Sunday to you!


  1. Hi!!! It is very pretty!!!!! I like it on the diagonal!!!!! Thank You

  2. Boy that was fast....looks great. Triangles do not like me.

  3. Triangles need It is going to be very pretty.

  4. Wow, it's so pretty! I love your pattern. I think yours is the first I've seen with a pattern. I was making myself insane trying to keep my layout in order as I sewed so finally just gave up. But I think random will be okay too.

  5. I love the diagonal setting of the rows. Very striking.

  6. Those diagonal rows are great. I'm enjoying seeing this one come together.

  7. I like that you did them in stripes! I went with 'random' (I use that term loosely because I deliberately placed them in random order). I'm too anal to do a totally random quilt! :)


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