
Saturday, January 4, 2014

ALYoF January Goal

I'm finally back participating in 2014's edition of A Lovely Year of Finishes!

This month I am working on a baby quilt for college friends of myself and my husband. Since we don't know if they are having a boy or a girl, I picked this group of fabrics to make a churn dash quilt.

I didn't have much of the brown chandelier print left, so I went a head and used up that fabric first. I plan to make this one 4 blocks by 4 blocks without a border. Here are the ones that I have finished thus far!

If you haven't linked up your January goal yet, there's still time to do so! Also, Honey, Bunny, and Doll Patterns is now a sponsor of A Lovely Year Of Finishes -- so every month one winner will be receiving two of our patterns!


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