
Monday, December 16, 2013

Starburst Quilt Along Week #8: Block #8 and Block #7 Link Up

The Starburst Quilt Along is now over, but the entire pattern is now available for purchase.

First, I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has participated thus far. It has been so much fun seeing all of your blocks on your blogs and in the Flickr group:

Look at all of that quilty inspiration!

Secondly, only one more block next week! The time has simply flown by!

Now, on to more pressing matters: block #8!

Here are my two blocks:

If I had these to do over again, I might rethink the placement of the darkest purple in my blocks -- at least under the lighting conditions these pictures were taken, the purple ends up fading into the black. 


  1. I added my block 5s. I'm just starting block 6...yikes I'm so far behind.

  2. Just stunning.Love all.Congrats to all the ladies!1

  3. I linked up my #6 blocks. I'm straggling along!

  4. I love seeing them all together like this. Like little sparkling jewels ;-)


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