
Friday, December 6, 2013

Finished NuBees Quilt

Last year, I participated for a few months in the NuBees swap on Flickr and I just now have gotten my quilt finished.

One of the perks of being married is having someone to hold your quilts -- especially when it is rainy and gross outside.

And here is the pieced backing that I put together using just my stash! I love being able to do that.

This was long arm pantograph quilted with a large meander -- here are my two favorite blocks!

The cross block on the right is also my husband's favorite block.

I bound this quilt with a half yard of Posh by Chez Moi that I've been hoarding for ages. Originally I planned to do a scrappy binding, but it just needed some more brown in the mix and this fabric fit the bill perfectly.

Thanks to everyone who participated in making this quilt happen, especially Kim @ Crafternoon DelightMarla @ Sew Hungry, and Anne @ Play Crafts!

Sharing over at Crazy Mom Quilts!

(Don't forget to check out the Starburst Quilt Along -- still lots of time to join in!)


  1. Congrats on your finish. Some cool blocks in there. My fav would be wonky pinwheels which is on my to do list :-)

  2. What a lovely quilt- so many fun squares- and love your pieced back!!

  3. I don't know how I missed that you got married (because I remember when you got engaged!) but I definitely did! Scrolled back through your blog to do some sleuthing--you looked gorgeous! Your dress is so pretty--classic and classy. Love, love, love it! So anyway, a late congrats to you. :)

    And the quilt you posted on Wednesday is stunning. You always do such beautiful and seemingly intricate work.

  4. Oh fun! I love that broken herringbone block. So lovely! And I bet it feels awesome to have this one done! :)

  5. Great looking blocks making up into a pretty quilt. Congrats on the finish!


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