
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Finished Potholders

I did the hand stitching on two of these and then decided to finish the rest by machine. It came out decently well, I still need to figure out how to make beautiful corners.

Here are all ten of them!

And here are all the backs!

The quilting isn't perfect so I'm not willing to share a close up, but they turned out so cute! I made extra so hopefully I'll have one to keep for myself!

Sharing my finish at The Lovely Year Of Finishes August Party!


  1. Haha I do the same thing... *starts hand stitching*.... 10 minutes later, forget this ;) They look awesome! I'm sure your friends are going to be over the moon!

  2. Non quilters think anything is gorgeous and the others shouldn't be looking that close! I would be thrilled, as a quilter, to receive one! Have fun at your shower.

  3. CUTE! ...and my birthday is in February ;)

  4. Congratulations on your finish!!!

  5. What sweet potholders! I think I'll make some for my new kitchen!

  6. WOW I had to do a double take on your pot holders. I am starting to make teeny tiny paper pieced quilt blocks. I mean 1 1/2 inches square. I thought that is what you had made.
    Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have them made into necklaces and be up for sale.
    Love your work. thanks for stopping by at Quiet play post!


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