
Monday, August 19, 2013

Blog-iversary Giveaway!

Tomorrow is my two year blog-iversary and to celebrate, I am going to put together a set of four fat quarters from my stash for the lucky winner in whatever color (or colors) they choose!

As some of you might remember, I am getting married in October (ZOMG LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AWAY!!) and my wonderful Park Ranger Fiance needs space for his stuff, so I am going to have to cut down on the stash that I have just a little bit. My loss is your gain!

I'll put some teaser stash pictures on here once I get home from work tonight.

But for now, for one entry put what color/style of fabrics you're trying to stash!

For a second entry, followers comment with "I'm a ______ follower" and enter the color/style of fabrics you're looking for.

The contest will close at 8 PM August 23rd.


  1. Oh wow! Too bad I have to partake in your destashing! Congrats on your anniversary. Soooo, i really needs solids.... or close to solids of primary colors. I have so much pink and purple. I need red, green, blue, etc. Thanks.

  2. I am a bloglovin' follower! Definitely looking for primary colors. Thanks!!!

  3. Fun idea. I would love neutrals especially low volume or gray!

  4. I follow on feedly and neutrals would be great.

  5. Pink is always good :) So is aqua/teal and lime green.

  6. I follow via Bloglovin'. Pink, aqua/teal and lime green.

  7. Hi there! I'm always searching for fabric related to music b/c I'm going to attempt to make a quilt for my son (plays trumpet). I also love any bright colors! I'm new to quilting, so anything is appreciated! :)

  8. I follow through Bloglovin (I think!). I also have your blog emailed to me! I love bright colors: teals, lime, yellow, purple, bright pink. I'm easy to please though! ;)

  9. Congrats on your blogiversary! I'm hosting a giveaway too! If I were to win, your four fat quarters would simply replace the fat quarters I'm destashing. Funny!!

  10. Happy blogiversary.

    I'm trying to stash blenders. (I'm a sucker for novelties but need something to mix them with).

  11. I follow through bloglovin.

    (and I'm still trying to stash blenders and or/solids)

  12. Happy Blogiversary! I would enjoy anything. It would be nice if the 4 of them coordinated, but I just love to add colors. Still being fairly new I can always use something.

  13. I follow you by email and enjoy every post. I would like anything - great if they coordinate, but fine if they don't. I just what to help you move the future hubby into your space.

  14. I follow via bloglovin! Blue would be my color of choice! Or purple! Thank you!

  15. I love blues, greens, neutrals, reds, yellows...pretty much anything goes colour-wise! Congrats on the anniversary. I'm almost to 6 months with my blog and considering a giveaway for that.

  16. I follow through Bloglovin'. Near-solids and marbled prints are my favourites, but I also like small scale prints.

  17. Congrtulations!
    I love greens but I'm lacking reds and neutrals!

  18. I'm a happy bloglovin and GFC follower!
    Reds or neutrals please!

  19. I follow with feedly. And I like bright solids or geometrics.

  20. Congratulations on your blogiversary and your upcoming wedding! I like reds, blue, and pinks mostly.

  21. I am bloglovin' follower. Looking for true yellow with a yellow or white design on it. Also chocolate Browns.

  22. Yay for two years! My stash is definitely lacking in the purple department :)

  23. I'm a bloglovin follower and could use purple (or yellow)! Thanks for a chance to win!

  24. Congratulations on your up coming wedding and new life together. I love all bright happy colors.

  25. Congrats...I am a GFC follower and I just can't seem to have enough red fabric.

  26. Seguidora GFC e Blogovin,gosto de todos os azuis e verdes.

  27. Parabéns Blog e casamento,Gosto de azuis e verdes.Obrigada .

  28. Congratulations! I love anything batik and anything purple. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your blog!

  29. I'm a Bloglovin follower and I love anything that is batik or purple! Thanks again.

  30. Congratulations and many good wishes for your marriage! I like bright colors the best, but I also could use some greys and neutrals to go with them. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. Congrats on the blogiversary, and upcoming nuptials! I can help you cull down your stash so that your marriage goes more smoothly. I am looking for neutrals.

  32. And of course I follow with bloglovin (still mourning over google reader)

  33. What a great idea!!!!

    I am collecting grays these days. Of course pink is always welcome or anything with polka dots. =)

  34. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! You must be getting excited! How sweet to share your stash. I have been really getting into orange lately. Anything in yellow or minty green would be awesome too! Polka dots and bold modern flowers are something I could use too! But if you don't have anything like that I like being surprised too!

  35. I am following you with Bolglovin! Looking forward to seeing your posts. I took a quick peek at some of the things you have been making. Pretty awesome!

  36. I follow through Bloglovin'

  37. I would love any teal/light green/blue fabrics.

  38. Whoops, I totally almost missed this! Congrats! I need some good reds and purple :) As you probably know already, I'm into more modern fabrics, but I'm up for anything.
