
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Layered and Quilted Lucky Square

I took a chance and tried out this fusible batting to use with my Lucky Squares quilt. The directions are simple and it worked fairly well! I did have a little bit of trouble because I started the quilting and then had to take it out and re-adhere the quilt top, backing, and batting.

Here's the top adhered to the batting (and partially folded over to be able to reach the whole thing with the iron!)

Here's the back layered and fused (definitely had to jankily piece this one together because it was like 4 inches too short to do what I originally planned to do!:

Today I did the machine quilting of the entire top with my walking foot! It went so much quicker than I had expected and I even got the binding sewn on the front so I can start working on the hand stitching while I watch some Netflix tonight.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend!


  1. I really like this quilt top. Can't wait to see it finished.
    E xx

  2. Pretty quilt top - makes me think of a garden path. I think I may need to try that fusible batting. I am always using the adhesive spray because my machine pushes the fabric everywhere if I pin only when I baste.

  3. Beautiful! Love the colors you've chosen :) I've never used fusible batting - glad to hear someone likes it!

  4. I have used fusible batting before for lap sized quilts and love it. I just have a regular ironing board so it helped that my husband was willing to help maneuver the quilt layers as I ironed. The leftover pieces are great for potholders and rug mugs. Just don't get your iron on the fusible batting! Not fun!

  5. Beautiful quilt! I love it when the quilting goes faster than expected.

  6. Oh fusible batting - I haven't tried that yet myself, great quilt :)

  7. Love this pattern and your colors are so pretty!

  8. It's looking great! Fusible batting certainly does speed up the process!

  9. What a great top! I didn't know they sold fusible batting! I've used the spray before and it's intoxicating. =) I'm sure that your idea is better. Visiting from Let's Get Acquainted. Have a great day.


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