
Monday, April 22, 2013


I dove right into this because, let's face it, I'm a paper piecing junkie.

I started working on my Round Birthstone Block from No Hats in the House. AND IT LOOKS AMAZING!

I decided to not make large blocks (the directions tell you how to make different sizes based on how you enlarge/shrink the pattern) and make the 12 inch blocks. You end up making 8 wedges so I printed two per page.

I was too into making this because I did not stop to take any pictures. Oops. Here's the finished "amethyst" gem:

The next one I make, I promise to take more pictures.

Sharing at:

Fresh Poppy Design
Better Off Thread


  1. Wows. That looks intense. Does the pattern help you with color placement?

  2. Love your block. However, it looks complicated to make. You did a great job!

  3. Yay!! It turned out amazing! Also, I had a hilarious moment as I was flipping through my blog reader just now... I caught a glimpse of the amethyst from your post without seeing whose it was, so I thought to myself, "Oh no! Someone else has come up with a really similar gemstone design!" because I couldn't believe you already churned one out! ;) So *very* excited to see where this is going!

  4. Very cool! I love the purple shades. What are you going to do with it?

  5. I just learned how to paper piece over the weekend, and I can see how addicting it can be!! I might need another practice piece (or thirty!) before I can jump to something like this, though - it's absolutely gorgeous!

  6. That is so cool! I am totally adding it to the list of things to make.

  7. Just a jewel!

  8. Just gorgeous. Can't wait to see more.


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