
Friday, February 1, 2013

February Lovely Finish Goal

I'm not going to be discouraged by the fact that I didn't make my January goal of finishing the hand quilting on my boyfriend's Civil War quilt. Heck no! That's gonna get done this month too.

My February goal is to finish my shoe quilt:

All I have to do is finish the hand binding! Kind of a easy goal, but I figure getting this one done will give me a little bit more momentum in finishing last month's goal in less than 10 years. (Seriously!)

Check out what everyone else is working toward this month at Fiber of All Sorts and Sew Bittersweet Designs!

  A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. Feb is a short month anyway! Who is the shoe quilt for? Never have high heel shoes looked so comfy.

  2. Is this shoe quilt a pattern!?!?! My sister would LOVE this quilt. Or even a wall hanging/ table runner. She is a shoe queen! Good luck with the binding. That's usually my favorite part as long as there is a good TV show or movie on :)

  3. Hand quilting a big quilt in such a short time was a huge undertaking. Even if it's not quite finished, I call it a success!

  4. You shouldn't be discouraged! That Civil War quilt is a monster, and I can't believe how quickly you're quilting it (really!)--especially since it's far from a full-time job for you. Anyway, you'll be so happy that you've done it well and beautifully that you won't mind that it took you an extra month, and I'm sure it won't bother Park Ranger Boyfriend either. :)

  5. Don't be discouraged by not finishing the hand quilting. That was a monster sized goal and you are smashing through it. And PRB will be happy with it whenever he gets it.
    E xx

  6. Good luck! A finish is always great, even if it's not a huge amount. Your quilt looks lovely :)


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