
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Quilted Shoe Quilt

Last week I got a really awesome package from home containing my camera cord, some fabric that I left, and my shoe quilt. My mom free motion quilted it for me and it turned out AMAZING!

The title of this post could also be "My mom is the bomb".

The body of the quilt was quilted with meandering stitches everywhere but the shoes themselves...

...and the borders have a figure 8.

Here's the back:

When my dad saw it finished, he had to call me right away to tell me how cool it looked. My parents are the sweetest.

I got the binding sewn onto the quilt on Thursday and hopefully I'll be able to to hand stitch the binding this week!

Progress has been made on the Civil War quilt hand work...I'll be sharing that soon, I hope!


  1. So neat!!! I made a shoe quilt years ago...waaaay back!! It was paper pieced and so much fun to did a great job.

  2. That shoe quilt is the cutest thing. How lucky to have a Mom who will do the FMQ for you. She should hire herself out.

  3. HOLY cool! At first it almost looked like the shoes were recessed in the fabric. That is a fabulous job!!!!

  4. Cute quilt and that's so great that your mom quilted it for you! Does she use a domestic machine or a long-arm? Thanks for linking up with Sew Cute Tuesday:)


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