
Monday, October 29, 2012

Rain, rain, go away

I've officially battened down the hatches here at my apartment in preparation for the impending hurricane. I never thought that in my two years in living in central Pennsylvania I would have experienced BOTH an earthquake and a hurricane. Campus canceled all classes after 1 PM today and subsequently all of the graduate students have trickled home. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up some supplies and it was NUTS! I am thankful more now than ever that I have a gas stove.

This weekend, I finally put the hanging sleeve on my snowflake quilt. I hung it up in my dining room even though its ever so slightly wintry looking.

I also have been working on another (yes, another!) scrap project making the lovely flying geese in a circle blocks. I reduced the size of my blocks so the end up at 7 inches. And they use up a lot of the white scraps that I have.

Here's hoping that my power stays on long enough that I can get some sewing done today!


  1. Your geese blocks look great and they do take up a ton of white fabric! Stay safe!!!

  2. I love your circle geese! So pretty!

  3. I love your circle geese. They look 3-D in some of the colours. Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) Avis x

  4. love the snowflake quilt - what a great pattern! hope you are making it throught the hurricane ok over your way

  5. Great quilts! Hope you stayed dry.


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