
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Christmas Tree Skirt Progress

I didn't get the top of the tree skirt all put together on Wednesday like I had hoped, but I did have the pleasure of watching some friends' two little girls after my friend went into labor on Wednesday night! My babysitting skills are still intact and now I need to whip up a boy quilt for a little 7 pound 11 ounce bundle of joy!

I finished it up on Friday night and here it is:

I had 2 yards of a red marble fabric for the back and zig-zagged together some leftover pieces of batting and got everything layered and machine quilted. I quilted diagonal lines through the entire top (forgot to take pictures of it, will do when its finished!) 

Here is it all trimmed into a circle before I cut the center hole and the slit up to the center :

On advice of my mom, I embarked on using continuous bias binding due to all of the curves. I followed this tutorial video and didn't end up with too much left over! Here's my tube-o-bias before I cut it all into strips:

...and here is all of the binding sewn onto the tree skirt:

Hopefully finishing the binding up on this one very, very soon!

Check out what everyone else has been up to this week at Plum and June:

Plum and June


  1. Lovely skirt! Giving me the inspiration I need to make one for our tree

    1. Thank you so much, Tessa! It was so easy to do! Good luck!

  2. Looks fantastic! Great idea for the bias binding.

  3. Your tree skirt is looking really good!

  4. You are very brave for trying curvy binding - I'm too scared to do that. The tree skirt looks great!

  5. Hi, stopping by from Beth's Monday Link-up - your tree skirt looks great! Haven't done bias binding before, will definitely check out the link! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great job! Bias binding was definitely the way to go!

  7. Lovely skirt, I need one this year so you may be seeing something similar in my blog if I ever get around my Christmas sewing ;) visiting from Plum and June

  8. I have had a charm pack of Joy laying around forever for this purpose exactly... WAMP WAMP. Your skirt looks great and way to finish it up! And congrats on your friend's new baby. Would love to see pictures of the new baby quilt when it is done.

  9. Congrats on you finish it looks wonderful!

  10. Love this skirt - I'd thought about making one so this might be the push I need :)


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