
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

WIP Wednesday: In a Bind

I'm finally catching up on my binding projects. My mom brought my Twist of Lime quilt this past weekend because the machine quilting got finished, so now just the binding stands between me and crossing this one off the WIP list.

My binding is from the Fantasia collection. A perfect find for this project. 

I got the binding all sewed on Monday night and the edges all trimmed up to start hand stitching.

So now I'm off to hand stitch until I round all of the corners.

Linking up with Freshly Pieced today!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. What a lovely quilt! The colors you chose are very attractive together.

  2. Your Twist of Lime has got to be one of the most favorite quilts I've ever seen. Your color choices, plus the pattern are just wonderful! Makes me smile, and I've looked at it over and over! Great quilt!

  3. Wow, that binding really is the perfect find! Nice job. :)


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