
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Box Quilt Block: How I Made It (simpler!)

For this month for my NuBees swap, I decided that I wanted to do the "Box Quilt" Block from Quilter's Cache.

After finishing one block as the directions instruct, I figured that there were also some other ways to put this block together, while also avoiding set in seams. Here is my take on how to do this:

Start with the original directions and sew your 3.5 by 2 inch and 5 by 2 inch strips onto your starting 3.5 inch square.

Instead of piecing your "box" strips with triangles, I used the stitch and flip method to add the background triangles to the strips. These strips should be 5 by 2 inches and 6.5 by 2 inches.

Your finished quarter will look like this:

And finish like this:

Have you figured out easier ways to make things?


  1. Clever girl! That is how new techniques come about...quilter looking for a better way to do something.

  2. Thanks for sharing this tutorial. The block looks great. : )

  3. That is a great block....thanks so much for the tute!


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