
Monday, September 24, 2012

100 Day Hustle

I'm joining in on Kelsey Sews' 100 Day Hustle to finish up projects the rest of the year. This is my list!

Kelsey Sews

1. Twist of Lime Quilt: Binding

2. Argyle Quilt: Finish all the blocks, put the top together, quilt myself, binding

3. Snowflake quilt: Sew on hanging sleeve 

4. Civil War quilt: hand quilt and bind

5. Christmas tree skirt to gift: everything

6. Olympic Rail Fence: Quilt and bind

7. Baby Quilt(s) for friends: Everything (but I think I need to make two or three of these....yikes)

8. Blitzen Jelly Roll Christmas Quilt with Basket Case Pattern: Everything

9. Shoe Quilt: quilting and binding

Check out what everybody else is planning to do here!


  1. Wow that is a nice list and I really like the pics of what progress you have already done. Don't worry, hopefully the baby quilts go fast. Those happen to be my favorite!

  2. You have some stunning quilts. I'm pretty sure I tell you the Civil War quilt is amazing every time you post it. :) I love the snowflake quilt too!

  3. Beautiful quilts! I just joined the 100 Day Hustle myself.

  4. Great projects - and 98 days to go... Happy hustle!

  5. Ambitious list! Look forward to seeing your progress on the argyle quilt. Love that Blitzen fabric too!

  6. Wow you have a lot of projects on your list! Good luck!! =)

  7. Oh my gosh that twist of lime quilt is amazing!! Thanks for joining in :)

  8. Ok that shoe quilt is fab! Love it. : ) Good luck on the list!


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