
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Update

While I've been largely unmotivated to do much of anything this past week, I did manage to get 6 more star blocks done:

I laid out what I have done so far (I need to make 6 more star blocks) and here is how it looks:

..and here is a close up of the top section:

I think it is looking pretty fantastic so far! Have a wonderful, restful Sunday!


  1. That is so neat how it is all coming together. Great job!

  2. What a cool quilt! Love the design and the fabric choices!

  3. Have just found your blog, and I love your work! That swirly star/courthouse steps is wonderful! Your quilting therapy is sure therapy for me! So glad I found this. Love your design and your color choices...

    1. Thanks so much! I am very excited to see this quilt come together!


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