
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birthday Weekend

Thursday night, I worked on my fancy pieced back. It is kind of wild in comparison to what I usually do, but I am excited to get out of my box a little bit (but not too much!). This is what I have so far:

Today I'm going to try to finish up a little bit more of it as I still have a rather large pile of black and green fabrics.

Friday was my birthday and my mom and sister came in for the weekend to visit! They stopped at a bunch of quilt stores on the way here and brought me some goodies:

The yardage is from the Blank Quilting Dragon Magic Collection and yes, that is a jelly roll of BLITZEN BY BASIC GREY. I have been lusting after some of this fabric since I first saw it a month or two ago online.

We've basically just been hanging out and eating and kibitzing since they got into town Friday afternoon and its been wonderful. They brought me two quilted quilts to put bindings on and I'll show those off later this week. Hope your weekends have been wonderful!


  1. Happy Birthday! Nice fabric too. My family never seems to get the memo that what I'd actually like for my birthday is FABRIC!! No matter how many hints I drop. Oh well, I guess I just get to shop for it myself then. :)

  2. Happy birthday. I love the quilt back...almost as much as I like the front. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday....fabric is always a pleaser for anytime!

  4. Saw your link on Plum & June's latest post--and I'm always delighted to find another grad student quilter. :) I'm in my 5th year (please just kill me now) in a history PhD program.

    I love your Twist of Lime quilt! What a unique color scheme!

  5. I love the colors. That is a fancy back. It is pretty enough to be the front! Happy Birtday!

  6. Fab detail and love the colourway, happy birthday :) ChrissieD from P&J Blog Hop

  7. How nice to have a visit from your sister and Mom. Your quilt back looks like a quilt front - really nice! Found your link at Plum and June.

  8. Great backing! I really like that blck in the middle.


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