
Thursday, June 14, 2012

All sewn up

This post was originally going to be me saying "yay!" because I got my green, black, and white quilt (it really needs a name, people, suggestions???) sewn into rows, which would have been an awesome accomplishment.

But that actually took a lot less time than I expected, so I ended up sewing all of the rows together too. No big deal! Working with bigger blocks is so nice, it goes together so fast!

So here's the top (sans borders):

And because this is more twin-sized, it is slightly too long for me to use my closet-door-plus-binder-clip display system with total success. I love how all the different prints sort of blend together.

Here's a (slightly crooked) close up:

This weekend I'm off visiting Park Ranger Boyfriend, but once I get back, getting those borders picked and sewn on will be my next priority (other than work, I guess).


  1. I love this. It makes me think of kaleidoscopes or whirly-gigs.

  2. Ya I'm really bad at naming quilts, but really good at spotting beautiful ones, that this sure is a head turner!! Love it.

  3. I can't help you with the name, but it looks very good!


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