
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Put the Lime with the coconut.

Unless you've been kind of out of the loop, this past week was the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day (week). I spent all of my free time entering all of the giveaways that I could. It ended yesterday and hopefully you all are starting to hear that you won wonderful things from wonderful people!

I won this giveaway from Heather at Crafting (dot dot dot) and I am very very excited to use that giant cone of cotton thread. Thanks Heather!

I also won a lovely stack of 2.5 inch squares from Blue Crab Quilting! I can't wait to sort through all of these and see what little pieces of goodness it contains! Thanks Elizabeth!

But back to our regularly scheduled quilting updates. Yesterday (in addition to sleeping in and getting an oil change) I managed to finish up all the courthouse step blocks and get three more swirly star blocks done.

I also managed a quick trip to the quilt store and got border fabric for my shoes quilt and then a little bit of orange-y clearance fabric just for fun.

I'd also like to share that my lil' ol' blog has surpassed 10,000 views! Whoa, Nelly! My disappearing 9 patch tutorial has been shared in a number of different forums/websites and I guess people really like it! Thanks!


  1. I love your courthouse steps blocks. The colours are just great.

  2. Awesome swirly star blocks! I love that lime green!

  3. Congratulations on your wins. Lovin the courthouse steps!


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