
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Shoes

Over the last few days, I have started on and made MAJOR progress on the shoe quilt, mainly because its so easy to do a few blocks at a time.

This is the first time I've used this type of pattern; you trace the cutting lines on your freezer paper and then iron it onto a pair of layer cake pieces and then cut on the lines. You sew pieces together in the order in the pattern and there's only two places you need to worry about matching. They need to be trimmed down, but I'll do that all at the end.

Anyways, my layer cake had 42 pieces and so I will get 42 blocks that end up around 7.5 inches square. 

Good luck starting your new weeks!


  1. love it!! I made one years ago called Stepping Out; but the shoes weren't quite as nice a style.
    great job on itl.

  2. What a cute quilt. I've never seen that block before.It's really cute.


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