
Monday, January 23, 2012

One step at a time...

How is it Monday already?

Saturday I spent nearly the whole day grading and getting my teaching stuff ready for this week, but I did manage to get all of my strip blocks done for the Seville quilt.

Sunday I did all of the half snowball blocks in the evening, which went a lot faster than I anticipated, which was very nice.

And so I laid out the whole quilt on my living room floor on Sunday night and it’s still sitting there. It has to, because otherwise I don’t know how I would be able to get everything just right again.

So the next thing to do is to sew four half-snowball blocks together so it looks like a white x, this will take lots of patience and matchy matching. Then I can start sewing things into rows (with even more matching, of course.)

My stairstep quilt has taken up residence on my couch and stares at me while I eat dinner (tacos tonight, baby!). Tonight is long-distance House date with Park Ranger Boyfriend, so I will work on it some during that. 

Here's to a productive evening and next couple of days!

Also, check out Quilt Story to see other neat-o blogs and get info about a superawesome Valentine's blog hop!

Fresh Poppy Design

And check out WIP wednesday at Freshly pieced!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Allison, it looks so good!! I cannot wait to see the finish.

    ~Michelle (LemonadeGal)

  2. These quilts are going to be gorgeous you know how you are going to quilt them yet? I love the colours

  3. It's looking so good. :D Love the mix you've achieved

  4. That Seville Quilt is stunning - I love the look of it!

    Did you work from a plan or pattern, or did you make it up as you went?


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