
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Knocking things off the WIP list

So this evening I got to business and got all the blocks together for my snowflake quilt. This one I started the day I started this blog in August. I had all of the snowflake blocks done back in October, but I haven't touched them since then. I ended up finishing all of the sashings, and I'm thinking/wondering if it's done! Does it need a border? Tough decisions....

Hope your weekends are going swimmingly!


  1. Beautiful, for me I would add a border...and your Civil War top is terrific, I regret to have not made these blocks in time .

  2. Beautiful Quilt! I like the idea of a border too... it will set it off perfectly! Found you thru' Sew Happy Geek - Manic Monday!
    Have a great day!

  3. Alison - this quilt is gorgeous!! And I agree with Bea and Marcia, I think a border would really set those snowflakes off - something simple!! I love your blog!! Kris


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