
Friday, January 22, 2021

Split Stars {Finished Quilt}

While I made this quilt top all the way back in August, I didn't get it finished until November. 

This quilt was a gift for our friends who also had a baby boy this fall!

I did a simple meander for the quilting and used the coordinating fabrics for the border and the binding. For the backing, I used blue and white plaid flannel.

James let me borrow his crib to model the quilt I made for his new best friend!

Quilt Stats:

Name: Split Stars Baby Quilt

Pattern: Self designed

Fabrics: Venetian Tiles fabric line from Island Batik and coordinating yardage

Techniques: Studio 180 die, free motion quilting

Quilting: meanders

Batting: Hobbs 80/20 batting

Size: 40 inches square

Started: August 2020

Finished: November 2020

Future: Was given as a gift in November

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Hello From The Other Side

Hello, it's me. It's been a long time, and maybe you remember that I used to sew and blog quite a bit. Things have been, um, quite different.

I'm going to go further back than necessary and say that 2020 was a year for me. I think it was a year for everyone, but being pregnant and having a baby during a pandemic was especially difficult. 

Despite the fact that I was at home more than ever, I sewed less than ever. I managed to do some quilting and mask making early on, but even that tapered off significantly once I moved my sewing space into the guest room and my sewing room became the nursery. (I do have two finished projects to post about, eventually.)

I did have a baby boy in October, so that was my main project for the year.

And since then, everything has been a blur. There were supposedly a bunch of holidays that have already come and gone. My idea that I could sew while the baby napped was a farce. My sweet grandmother passed away due to coronavirus complications without meeting my son. A flurry of family came to visit. My son is already three months old and doing all sorts of things that make me wish for time to slow down. I'm back to work (part time on site, part time work from home) and figuring out being a working mom. 

I'm not sure what's next but I still have all of those same unfinished projects hanging around, so maybe I should finally just work on those if I can ever figure out how to find time to sew again.