
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Whirlwind Quilt

Somehow between finishing the Double Hourglass quilt and now, I made another entire twin sized quilt.


Because it went so fast, I didn't even take any in progress pictures. What a terrible blogger I am!

The blocks are made from 6 jelly roll strips sewn together and then the strip sets were cross cut into 12.5 inch squares. 48 jelly roll strips end up making 24 blocks!

The inner border is 3 inches finished and the outer border is 4.5 inches finished.

The quilting is based on a pattern that I saw someone use that I can't remember now, but it is similar to this pattern.

The machine quilting went really fast! I am getting much better at controlling the scale of my machine quilting.

I used the backing fabric to bind the quilt -- it is a very cute print of pink flowers on a turquoise fabric!

Size: 66 by 88 inches
Pattern: 6 strip Rail Fence + borders
Quilting: Chrysanthemum Scallop
Binding: Machine bound with same fabric as backing.

Sharing at Linky Tuesday and Fabric Tuesday!


  1. Beautiful quilt and isn't it fun to make something that fast! Thanks for sharing! Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  2. That's so perfect for spring! Sometimes I like working on more extended quilt projects, but there is something so satisfying in just reeling off an entire quilt sometimes!

  3. It is so cute! The colors are really springlike!

  4. Gosh Alison, that was pretty speedy, and it is a gorgeous quilt. The double hourglass is a wonderful quilt too.


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